Hobbits Of The World Unite Custom Pin Buttons is a smart imaginative twist on the famous revolutionary slogan “Workers of the world, unite!” from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.
Hobbits Of The World Unite Custom Pin Buttons Meaning

Hobbits are a fictional race from J.R.R. Tolkien’s works, notably The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. They are characterized by their peaceful, agrarian lifestyle and love of simple pleasures.
With the phrase “Hobbits Of The World Unite” the pin button humorously suggests that hobbits, despite being fictional and typically uninterested in broader political movements, could join together in a collective cause.
Hobbits Of The World Unite Custom Pin Buttons is appealing to fans of Tolkien’s work who also appreciate clever wordplay and socio-political commentary.
Product Detail
Have a look at the detailed information about Hobbits Of The World Unite Custom Pin Buttons below!
- Materials: metal with mylar face
- Available in 3 sizes
- Safety pin backing
- Glossy scratch and UV resistant front
- Assembled in the USA from globally sourced parts